Tantárgyak / Departmental Practice 2.

Tantárgykód: BMEEPIPM2TG
Előtanulmányok: BMEEPIPM1TG
Kredit: 6
Heti óraszám:
Tárgyfelelős: Vasáros Zsolt DLA
Oktatók: Vasáros Zsolt DLA
Tárgyleírás: MSc Complex 2.-Departmental Practice 2. / 2019-2020/2

Departmental Practice 2 is a course, which can be subscribed to in the semester of the ‘MSc Comprehensive Design 2’ course. The requirement is to create an individually understandable piece of work, which is also in connection with and helping the design progress of the Comprehensive Design project. The specific requirements are defined by each department and tutor so that they fit the Comprehensive Design projects, in accordance with the general goals.

The chosen task for the course may be a deeper examination one of the design aspects of the Comprehensive Design project, beyond the requirements of the Comprehensive Design course. It might as well be of an analytical character resulting in a study, or a research-like, scientifically appropriate documentation.

It is possible to continue working on the piece started during the Departmental Practice 1./Comprehensive Design 1., nevertheless, a new type of task/content can be chosen as well.

It is required during both courses to aim for the best result of university level expected to reach during one semester. The material submitted is the result of the students’ individual work and research, with the help of personal consultation with the tutors, in compliance with the relevant parts of the Code of Studies.


academic week



discussing the topic with the tutor, creating the bibliography and list of references


defining the topic, submitting the abstract / approval of the abstract


creating the supporting material, writing, editing


finalizing the study


final deadline


late submission / skpe or on-line presentation in the exam period


Students are required to create the study individually during the semester. In the end of the semester the studies are to be presented in a version optimized and fit for presentation in an skype or on-line conference.



a) 9th week:                 submission of abstract via e-mail to the tutor and the person responsible for the course ( min. 1500 - max. 2000 characters not including spaces, with figures and references / citations), approval on the 4th week. Format: .doc / .docx / .rtf and .pdf

b) 15th week:               final deadline – submission of the final study, minimal extent: written part – min. 20 000 characters spaces not included + sketches, annexes, statistics. Format: .doc/ .docx /.rtf and .pdf.

c) 2nd week of exam period: presentation – presenting the results on a conference of the Department, presentation time: 5-10 minutes + 5 minutes discussion. Format: .ppt / .pptx

Late submission dates:

a) 10th week:               interim deadline – late submission: end of the 10th week

b) 16th week:               final deadline – late submission: Friday 12:00 of the 16th week

Notes, books, literature to use:

The ones suggested on the Departments’ suggestions for topics; the ones suggested by the tutors according to the individual topics; individual list based on research.


A.      Evaluation of the work during the semester:

1.      Evaluation of the analysis / research during the semester:  We are evaluating the design skills and capability, and the gained competence all together based on the research paper submitted at the end of the semester, which has parts to be submitted during the semester. The piece is presented once during the semester, where we are primarily evaluating the topic and the preparation of the content. In case of a presentation insufficient in quality or quantity, an extra presentation is necessary.

B.      Evaluation of the work during the exam period:

1.      Evaluation of the analysis / research during the exam period: The final result of the semester is to be presented publicly as part of the Comprehensive Design Presentation, the evaluation is oral, and is closed with a mark 1-5.

A.      It is a condition of getting a final mark that the Departments accepts all the pieces to be submitted during the semester.

B.      There is a specific minimal requirement for each task to be submitted during the semester, which can be made up for individually.

C.      The late submission for each task/presentation during the semester has a deadline determined by the Department (1 week), in case of a more significant lag only the Head of Department can give further time for completion, the sanctions are defined by the Head of Department as well.

D.     Each subtask not reaching at least a satisfactory grade has to be remade by the student.

E.      In case of a submission after the normal deadline, or in case of a repeated submission due to failure the student has to pay a fee.

F.       Charts, figures, photos, footnotes and bibliography are not to be considered as part of the extent of the paper! The cover has to contain the name of the author, the title of the paper, the date of the submission and the name of the consultant.

G.     By submitting the study in the end of the semester the student accepts that if it is possible to prove that the study was not prepared by them or if there are concerns about the copyright violation regarding the study, the Department denies to accept and evaluate it! All used images and text references has to be cited precisely and correctly, may the source be accessible via internet or hard copy. In case of images and photographs the citations are to be in captions or in a list of images, in case of text content in form of footnotes or endnotes.

In case of longer cited texts the beginning and end of the citation has to be marked clearly, and the source has to be named precisely! The major part of the study has to be an individual writing by the student, the statements, analyses have to reflect their own thoughts!


5th February 2021

Prof. Zsolt VASÁROS

Head of Department, head of course

Departmental Practice 2_2019_2020_2.pdf (562 kB)The conditions and time schedule of Departmental Practice 2 Spring Semester 2020-2021
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